Security and data protection when using AI | Zoom

Security and data protection when using AI

EMEA Webinars & EventsZoom Security

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the business landscape, unlocking immense potential for companies to enhance efficiency and productivity. However, these opportunities must be harnessed responsibly to mitigate risks, especially in critical areas like security and data protection.

For organizations within the European Economic Area, the journey comes with unique challenges, including technological barriers, linguistic nuances, and regulatory requirements for the secure implementation of AI assistants.

Join us to explore:

  • Responsible AI: How to leverage AI while safeguarding your data
  • Federated AI: Insights into AI models and technologies
  • AI Data Residency: Understanding where AI data is processed and stored

Register today to secure your spot—and don’t worry if you can’t attend live. A recording link will be sent to all registrants!

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