How to Maximize Your Virtual Events with AI | Zoom

How to Maximize Your Virtual Events with AI

EMEA Webinars & Events会話インテリジェンス

Join the Zoom Events team in part one of our Events Masterclass series to help you level up your virtual event game this year. In this session, we’ll demystify AI and explore its practical applications for event professionals.

Discover how AI tackles specific challenges faced by event planners, from generating engaging event topics to crafting compelling marketing copy.

Come learn how to leverage AI throughout every stage of your event:

  • Event planning: Uncover tips for generating event topics, drafting captivating event descriptions, and crafting speaker bios that captivate your audience.
  • Event promotion: Master the art of crafting marketing emails and generating eye-catching images to boost event attendance.
  • Event performance: Explore innovative ways to enhance attendee engagement, from creating virtual backgrounds to composing interactive chat sessions and designing dynamic surveys and polls.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to maximize your virtual events with AI!

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