From Zoom Webinar to Zoom Sessions: New possibilities for your online events | Zoom

From Zoom Webinar to Zoom Sessions: New possibilities for your online events

EMEA Webinars & EventsZoom Events

From Zoom Webinar to Zoom Sessions: New possibilities for your online events

In this informative session, you will get a comprehensive overview of the new features of Zoom Sessions and learn how you can make the most of them for your online events such as webinars, training courses or large events.

We will compare Zoom Webinar with Zoom Sessions, go into detail about the new features and show you how you can take your events to a new level and offer your participants an even better experience.


  • Comparison of functions: Zoom Webinar vs. Zoom Sessions
  • Production of events
  • Promotion of events
  • Registration functions
  • Optimized data collection and analysis
  • Practical tips and best practices for successful events with Zoom Session


경고: 이 이벤트의 경우 Zoom 이벤트 제품과 이 웹사이트의 시간이 일치하지 않습니다. 사이트 관리자인 경우 시간을 수정하세요. 웨비나 앱 날짜: 웹사이트 날짜:

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