Harnessing the Power of AI in Education Webinar | Zoom

Harnessing the Power of AI in Education Webinar

교육대화 인텔리전스
EDU-Higher Ed_Experiences_6

As educational institutions navigate the complexities of modern communication, AI emerges as a pivotal tool in streamlining interactions and boosting productivity for faculty and staff.

Join our webinar as we:

  • Delve into the transformative role of AI in enhancing unified communication within K-12 and higher education settings.
  • Understand how to turn on AI for your organization, how to test it with just a few individuals, and how to roll it out safely across the camps
  • Learn how AI tools can reduce administrative processes, allowing faculty to focus on student engagement, and how your institution can leverage features like meeting summary, chat reply, whiteboard ideation, lesson plan preparation, and so much more


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