How to enable best-in-class, AI-powered collaboration with Zoom Workplace and Microsoft | Zoom

How to enable best-in-class, AI-powered collaboration with Zoom Workplace and Microsoft

AI Companion

In today’s fast-paced business environment, “good enough” doesn’t cut it to deliver exceptional employee and customer experiences. To get best-in-class experiences, businesses leverage multiple providers. But how do you use multiple systems at once without creating friction? 

Join our upcoming webinar to learn how you can best use both Zoom and Microsoft across your organization. We’ll showcase how to reduce friction across your workflows, leverage Zoom’s AI Companion at no additional cost, and reduce your total cost of ownership while increasing business value. 

Key Takeaways:

• Discover how you can address different user needs with best-in-class workflows 

• See how you can lower your total cost of ownership and increase business value  

• Learn which integrations across Zoom and Microsoft are available to you in a demo 

• Identify ways you can increase reliability and reduce friction

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