Harnessing AI for Small Businesses: Intuitive Solutions for Your Business | Zoom

Harnessing AI for Small Businesses: Intuitive Solutions for Your Business

Conversation Intelligence

You may have noticed Zoom has many products powered directly by Artificial Intelligence. 

AI is changing everything, and the revolution has just begun. We’re embedding AI directly into our core platform, making it as simple to use as logging in to the tools you already know and love.

For small and midsize businesses (SMB) time and resources are luxuries you don’t always have. Ever wish you could virtually expand your team with the push of a button? Get an extra pair of hands to help plan your next event…someone to take notes for you…someone to jump in and kick off your Monday morning brainstorm… 

That’s where AI Companion comes in. With Zoom, you can take advantage of an AI assistant without the extra cost or need for more licenses.

Beth Cananzi, Solutions Marketing Manager at Zoom, and Eshana Natesh, Competitive Marketing Architect at Zoom, will take us through how SMBs can harness AI using Zoom. In this webinar, they will dive into topics like:

  • How an AI assistant can help you maximize productivity no matter the size of your business
  • Vivid use cases of how you can leverage AI to save time 
  • Live Demo of Zoom’s AI Companion
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