Streamlining Business Collaboration: Unleashing the Power of Zoom Unified Communications | Zoom

Streamlining Business Collaboration: Unleashing the Power of Zoom Unified Communications

Zoom Workplace

Managing multiple communication tools can be costly and complicated, but unified communications (UC) solves this problem by combining telephony, instant messaging, and video conferencing on one streamlined platform. When the platform is cloud-based, it’s known as unified communications as a service (UCaaS), offering greater flexibility, reliability, and scalability.

Zoom’s UCaaS platform combines VoIP phone service, video conferencing, chat, and more into a single app, allowing you to spend less time managing different systems and contracts and more time improving productivity, collaboration, and getting work done.

In this webinar, you’ll gain insights into:

  • Latest trends shaping the new era of work and why collaboration platforms are essential for managing a highly distributed and collaborative enterprise in 2023.
  • How a cloud phone solution complements your communication strategy and streamlines your business operations.
  • Tips and best practices for maximizing the benefits of Zoom’s UCaaS platform, improving team communication and collaboration, and increasing productivity.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn more about Zoom’s UCaaS platform and how it can help your team work more efficiently and effectively.

Can’t make it? Register anyways and we’ll send you a link to watch the recording!

*Live interpretation will be available in Korean & Bahasa Indonesia.
*실시간 통역은 한국어로 제공됩니다.
*Interpretasi langsung akan tersedia dalam Bahasa Indonesia

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