7 Strategies For Better Productivity | Zoom

7 Strategies For Better Productivity

Learn personalized strategies to help you do your best work. Understand your productivity patterns, cultivate a habit of deep work, overcome procrastination, enhance your creativity, and create a system for handling novel tasks.


Hybrid work, being inherently dynamic, adapts to the evolving needs of employees, offering a flexible framework that balances productivity, collaboration, and personal well-being. In this interactive webinar, Alice Boyes, PHD, clinical psychologist and bestselling author, will share her personalized strategies to help you do your best work in a hybrid setting! 


Alice’s 7 strategies will help you:

  • Create a system for handline novel tasks
  • Understand your work patterns
  • Cultivate a habit of deep work
  • Overcome procrastination
  • Enhance your creativity

Unable to join us for the live session? No worries! Register now, and we’ll send you the recording once the session wraps up.

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