Keep Your Business Connected with Zoom Phone | Zoom

Keep Your Business Connected with Zoom Phone

EMEA Webinars & Events대화 인텔리전스
Young Caucasian businessman work on laptop talk on smartphone

In today’s fast-paced business environment, you need a reliable, integrated, and modern cloud phone solution. Look no further, Zoom Phone is an easy-to-use, reliable, and secure modern business phone system with AI Companion. During this interactive webinar, our experienced webinar host will showcase:

  • How Zoom Phone connects globally regardless of location, time zone, or device
  • AI Companion features can help you feel confident in your phone system
  • How Zoom Phone enables secure voice calls across all supported devices
  • And more! Bring your questions!

We’ll have time at the end of the session for Q&A!

경고: 이 이벤트의 경우 Zoom 이벤트 제품과 이 웹사이트의 시간이 일치하지 않습니다. 사이트 관리자인 경우 시간을 수정하세요. 웨비나 앱 날짜: 웹사이트 날짜:

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