Simulive: LIVE DEMO For Telecom Managers: Experience the Easy-to-Manage Zoom Phone Admin Portal in Action | Zoom

Simulive: LIVE DEMO For Telecom Managers: Experience the Easy-to-Manage Zoom Phone Admin Portal in Action

VoIP 전화 시스템
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Whether you’re being asked to cut back on IT spending or are just looking for an easier way to manage all your tech platforms, Zoom Phone and Zoom Team Chat are here to help.

Join Zoom Phone Specialist, Matt Jordan, for an inside look at the easy-to-set-up and manage Zoom Phone VoIP system. Built on the platform you already know and love, Zoom Phone and Team Chat are managed within the same plane of glass.

We’ll walk you through the setup process, show off some of the key features that teams love.

경고: 이 이벤트의 경우 Zoom 이벤트 제품과 이 웹사이트의 시간이 일치하지 않습니다. 사이트 관리자인 경우 시간을 수정하세요. 웨비나 앱 날짜: 웹사이트 날짜:

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